Server.IT and Kubernetes, a Winning Combination

Kubernetes: Advanced Solutions for Container Management with Uncompromising Performance and Reliability

Server.IT's Kubernetes solutions are at the forefront of container management, offering automatic scalability, simplified management, and maximum reliability. With years of industry experience and a team of dedicated experts, Server.IT guarantees excellent performance, advanced security, and 24/7 support.

Our solutions integrate seamlessly with our hosting, VPS, and dedicated server services, creating a complete and optimized IT infrastructure tailored to your business needs. Choose Server.IT for Kubernetes and transform the management of your applications with a robust and flexible platform.

Soluzioni Kubernetes

Optimized, Configured, and Ready-to-Use Kubernetes Plans and Solutions

Discover Server.IT's Kubernetes plans, optimized for maximum performance, configured for simplified management, and ready to use.
With Server.IT, you get robust and reliable solutions for your IT infrastructure, backed by dedicated 24/7 support to ensure operational continuity and maximum efficiency.

Do you want to configure something but others are holding you back?

Do you need to revoke access certificates for some reason?

Do you need a customized solution?

This is why you should choose a Kubernetes cluster from Server.IT.

Plus, you'll save up to 50% on fees compared to Amazon or other competitors.
You'll have support in Italian or, if you prefer, in English.
If you want, you can manage the cluster yourself via an easy-to-use web panel (Rancher).

You decide how to access the KubeAPI. By default, we provide access via VPN WireGuard.
You decide how to expose the services. If you're unsure, we'll configure HAPROXY and/or the Load Balancer for you.
You'll have access to one or more dedicated IP addresses, depending on your needs.

Servizi Kubernetes Server.IT

Cluster Stage

Soluzioni Kubernetes

Cluster Basic

Soluzioni Kubernetes

Cluster Small HA

Soluzioni Kubernetes

Cluster HA

Soluzioni Kubernetes

Cluster GPU

Soluzioni Kubernetes

Virtual Solution Srl is an ISO/IEC 27001 certified company, the international standard for Information Security Management Systems, Cybersecurity, and Privacy Protection.

Configure Resources for Your Super-Fast Kubernetes Cluster with Server.IT

Number of Workers High availability not applicable with only 1 worker
vCore (per single worker)
RAM GB (per single worker)
Block Storage GB (persistent total cluster volume)
IPv4 (public)

Customizable HA Control Plane

Load Balancer (Managed)

Technical Support (Management of the entire Cluster)


  • Workers: 1
  • vCores: 1 vCore
  • Ram: 2 GB
  • BlockStorage: 10 GB SSD
  • IPv4: 10 GB SSD
  • Control Plane in HA: yes/no
  • Load Balancer: yes/no
  • Servizio Managed: yes/no
3,65 € / per month
( / per month VAT included)
Request Commercial Consultancy

Virtual Solution Srl is an ISO/IEC 27001 certified company, the international standard for Information Security Management Systems, Cybersecurity, and Privacy Protection.

Who Server.IT's Kubernetes Solutions Are For

The Sectors That Benefit the Most from Our Kubernetes Solutions

Le soluzioni Kubernetes di Server.IT sono ideali per una vasta gamma di settori. Aziende di e-commerce possono gestire picchi di traffico e garantire un'esperienza utente senza interruzioni. Startup e PMI tecnologiche beneficiano di scalabilità e riduzione dei costi operativi. Il settore finanziario trova in Kubernetes una soluzione sicura e scalabile per la gestione dei dati sensibili. Anche le aziende di telecomunicazioni, organizzazioni sanitarie, aziende di gaming online, e fornitori di SaaS possono migliorare l'efficienza e la continuità del servizio. Infine, istituti di ricerca, università, aziende di logistica e trasporti, e enti pubblici possono sfruttare Kubernetes per gestire applicazioni complesse e garantire servizi digitali sicuri e affidabili. Con Server.IT, ogni settore trova una soluzione Kubernetes ottimizzata per le proprie esigenze.

servizio kubernetes
  • Included E-commerce Companies: To manage traffic spikes during promotional events and ensure an uninterrupted user experience.
  • Included Tech Startups and SMEs: To quickly scale their applications and reduce operational costs.
  • Included Financial Sector: To implement secure and scalable solutions for managing sensitive data and real-time transactions.
  • Included Telecommunications Companies: To improve operational efficiency and ensure service continuity.
  • Included Healthcare Organizations: To securely manage critical applications and health data in compliance with regulations.
  • Included Online Gaming Companies: To offer a seamless gaming experience and handle variable player loads.
  • Included Media and Entertainment Sector: To manage large-scale media content distribution and ensure uninterrupted consumption.
  • Included SaaS (Software as a Service) Providers: To implement scalable and reliable solutions that grow with customer demands.
  • Included Research Institutes and Universities: To efficiently manage complex applications and large datasets.
  • Included Logistics and Transportation Companies: To optimize operations and manage real-time applications.
  • Included Public and Government Sector: To implement scalable and secure IT solutions that support digital public services.

Introduction to Kubernetes

What Kubernetes Is and Its History

Kubernetes is an open-source platform developed to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. The project was originally developed by Google and launched in 2014, drawing on the company's decade-long experience in managing production workloads on a global scale through an internal system called Borg. Thanks to its advanced features, Kubernetes allows for container orchestration, ensuring that applications are always available and scalable according to demand.

The story of Kubernetes begins with the need for more efficient container management compared to traditional tools. Google donated Kubernetes to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) in 2015, fostering exponential growth in the community and the development of a rich ecosystem of tools and extensions. Today, Kubernetes is the world's most widely used container orchestration system, supported by an active community of developers and used by companies of all sizes to improve the agility and efficiency of their IT infrastructures.

Kubernetes offers key features such as load balancing, self-healing, volume management, and auto-scaling, making it an ideal choice for cloud-native architectures. Additionally, its open-source nature ensures transparency and the possibility of customization, allowing companies to tailor Kubernetes to their specific needs. With Kubernetes, applications can be easily deployed across multi-cloud, on-premise, and hybrid environments, offering unprecedented flexibility and reducing overall operational costs.

vps superveloce

The Advantages of Kubernetes

Automatic Scaling, Simplified Management, Portability, and a Dynamic Ecosystem

Kubernetes offers a range of benefits that make it an ideal choice for managing containerized applications. One of its key advantages is automatic scaling, which dynamically adjusts resources based on workload, ensuring optimal performance and efficient resource use. Another strength of Kubernetes is its simplified management: with features like self-healing and load balancing, Kubernetes reduces operational complexity and improves application reliability.

The portability of Kubernetes allows applications to run on various infrastructures, including multi-cloud, on-premise, and hybrid environments, without requiring code changes. This gives businesses unprecedented flexibility and the ability to choose the environment that best suits their needs. Finally, Kubernetes benefits from a dynamic ecosystem that is continuously expanding, with a large community of developers contributing to the development of extensions and tools that further enhance the platform's capabilities. Thanks to these advantages, Kubernetes is a powerful and versatile solution for modern IT application management.

vps superveloce

Features of Server.IT's Kubernetes Solutions

High Performance, Advanced Security, Guaranteed Reliability, and 24/7 Support

Server.IT's Kubernetes solutions are designed to deliver maximum performance and security, ideal for businesses of all sizes and industries. With optimized configurations and state-of-the-art servers, we guarantee high performance that enables the efficient and fast management of complex workloads. Our solutions are tested to ensure quick response times and optimal resource management, reducing downtime and increasing productivity.

Our top priority is advanced security: we implement strict protection measures, including data encryption, advanced firewalls, and continuous monitoring to prevent and detect potential threats. This ensures that your data is always secure, complying with the strictest data protection and compliance regulations.

Guaranteed reliability is another pillar of our solutions. Server.IT ensures continuous and stable operation of your applications thanks to a redundant infrastructure and regular backup procedures.

Our architecture is designed to provide maximum availability, minimizing the risk of service interruptions and ensuring smooth operations.

Additionally, we offer 24/7 support: our team of experts is always available to assist you at every stage, from initial setup to daily management, quickly resolving any issues. Our technical support is accessible through multiple channels, including phone, email, and live chat, ensuring you receive immediate assistance whenever you need it.

By choosing Server.IT, you can rely on a robust and reliable Kubernetes solution that meets all your operational needs, allowing you to focus on developing and innovating your applications without worry.

Our solutions give you the peace of mind and security you need to successfully manage your IT infrastructure.

Quick Answers

The key features of Kubernetes include load balancing, self-healing, volume management, auto-scaling, and continuous monitoring.

Server.IT offers 24/7 support via phone, email, and live chat. Our team of experts is always available to assist you at every stage, from initial setup to daily management.

To start using Kubernetes with Server.IT, simply choose one of our Kubernetes-optimized plans. Our team will guide you through the setup process and provide all the support you need to launch and manage your containerized applications.

Kubernetes is an open-source platform designed to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

The main benefits of Kubernetes include auto-scaling, simplified management, application portability, and a dynamic ecosystem of tools and extensions.

Kubernetes can automatically scale resources based on workload, adding or removing containers to ensure optimal performance.

Kubernetes implements various security measures, including data encryption, advanced firewalls, and continuous monitoring to prevent and detect threats.

Server.IT's Kubernetes solutions offer high performance, advanced security, guaranteed reliability, and 24/7 support, ensuring that your applications run optimally and securely.

Industries that can benefit from Server.IT's Kubernetes solutions include e-commerce, tech startups, financial services, telecommunications, healthcare, online gaming, media and entertainment, SaaS, research institutions, logistics and transportation, and the public and government sectors.

Server.IT's Kubernetes solutions seamlessly integrate with our hosting, VPS, and dedicated server services, creating a complete IT infrastructure optimized for your business needs.

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